Sunday, November 24, 2024
By Milwaukee North News | Apr 30, 2020
Miguel Salas contributed $150 to Fallone for Justice on January 12.
Charles D. Cornwell contributed $200 to Fallone for Justice on February 13.
Scott Hansen contributed $50 to Kiefer for Judge on March 5.
Kathleen Slamka contributed $25 to Fallone for Justice on February 19.
Robert Gruling contributed $50 to Kiefer for Judge on February 4.
Christy Brooks contributed $100 to Kiefer for Judge on March 5.
Jane Maher contributed $50 to Fallone for Justice on January 31.
Ron Talsky contributed $50 to Fallone for Justice on January 11.
Kathy Nusslock contributed $28 to Kiefer for Judge on February 21.
Sandra Hays contributed $50 to Fallone for Justice on January 6.
Robert Hood contributed $100 to Fallone for Justice on January 26.
Rebecca A. Kiefer contributed $24 to Kiefer for Judge on March 2.
Pamela Thoma contributed $5 to Fallone for Justice on February 10.
Fred Schroeckenthaler contributed $250 to Fallone for Justice on January 4.
Katherine Wood contributed $40 to the Friends of Robyn Vining, a campaign committee, on April 29.
David Natzke contributed $150 to Fallone for Justice on February 4.
Joseph Baker contributed $20 to Fallone for Justice on February 5.
Patricia Taylor contributed $50 to Fallone for Justice on January 24.
Art Heitzer contributed $50 to Fallone for Justice on January 11.
Perry Mendoza contributed $100 to Fallone for Justice on February 18.